Raw Engineering Interview Experience 2019

Raw Engineering Interview Experience 2019

Hello all, this is another blog in which I am going to share my Interview Experience for the Raw Engineering Company Located at Virar. I attended this Placement Drive when I was In my Semester 7 of my Engineering Degree.

Round 1: Aptitude Exam

An Aptitude test was conducted in the Computer Labs. The test consisted of mostly technical questions based on HTML, CSS, JS, Networking, Database Management System, etc. The test had 40 odd questions segregated into 3 different sections. Also, the test consists of some basic level Quants questions.

Result: Cleared

Round 2: Personal Interview

The selected students were invited to the company premises in Virar, for the personal interview. Reporting time was at around 10 in the morning. After everyone had come in and had settled down, the interviews started. So I was interviewed by 3 interviewers. The Interview started with the simple question they told me to answer the question in a specific manner like First Tell me about yourself then your education details and then about your family background. so I answered all the questions one by one as they told me.


Prepare the Tell me about yourself Question very nicely as it will be asked in every interview saying this from my past interview experiences and the answer to this question will either make your interview or you will get rejected. So be confident while answering this question.

So the next question was Do you know Javascript? I simply answer that I know only the basics of it and I am good at Python (so if you are good at something and confident enough to answer on it then go ahead and let the interviewer know about it). So they ask me some basic Javascript questions and then the other interviewer asked me, have you done any project on python, so I have built various projects on Python and some of them which I found good I have put that in my resume and I was well prepared to explain the project. So I choose my SEM V project on the topic Virtual Personal Desktop Assistant (VPDA) basically it is kind of JARVIS with different names : ) so I explained the project and In that project, I have used REST APIs to remotely control the Jarvis via the web interface, why I am explaining this to you all because this made my Interview. So Let's see how I explained to them the flow of the web interface with the Jarvis(running locally) with the API and they told me can you draw the architecture of this web interface with API and also the API endpoints and I said yes and they provide me pen and paper and I draw the architecture and explained them and they were impressed : D, after that, they ask me more question related to REST API like the security of the API, etc.

After this, they test my problem-solving skills and for that, they have given me a puzzle to solve like cutting the cake into 8 pieces using 3 cuts. so I was not prepared for such questions but I was knowing the answer and I just recalled it and I explained it to them on paper.

After this, they asked me what is my final year project? so I answer them that my topic for the final year is Art Market Reformation using blockchain and I explained it and they started asking questions like why you are using blockchain to solve this problem and not the traditional client and server model and a few more questions on it.

Finally, they asked me what do you know about the company? Raw Engineering is a product-based or service-based company? Frankly, I was not knowing much about the company so I tried to make some answers but got failed to do so and I answered them wrong and I got uncomfortable then I said I don't know much about the company and nothing went wrong we had a conversation on that topic and they explained me about the company and their goals and lastly one important question that they asked me was, what are you comfortable with more, front end or back end? and I said Backend.

In the End, All the 3 interviewers made a handshake with me :) and keeping up the smile on my face I left the cabin.

Result: Cleared

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